Escape to Everywhere
Ipswich District Teacher-Librarian Network produces a book of ideas and activities based on the Book Week theme and Children's Book Council for Australia shortlisted titles. This is a useful book for libraries and classrooms and can be used as a source of ideas for promoting literature for years to come. It contains blackline masters as well as ideas for teachers, librarians and teacher-librarians. The book is aimed at a primary school level but does have some content for high schools.

Jenny Stubbs
Michelle Witheyman-CrumpÂ
Megan Daley
Jenny Stubbs
Michelle Witheyman-CrumpÂ
Megan Daley
Illustrator: Anil Tortop
Designer: Ozan Tortop
Booksmith: Tadaa Book
Designer: Ozan Tortop
Booksmith: Tadaa Book
Publisher: Ipswich District Teacher-Librarian Network